Nick Plimmer

Nick has a broad level of experience in the outdoors, including tramping, hunting, trail running, ski touring, mountaineering and, of course, armchair tramping. His interest in backcountry accidents stems from when he was working as a health and safety practitioner in the construction industry. With his outdoors career he has seen friends return from the hills, some having had near misses, others having accidents. Unfortunately, some friends have not returned. This has spawned an interest in backcountry accidents. Nick is always curious about the causative factors – are there patterns between different accidents? Most importantly, what lessons can other outdoors people learn?

100 Metres Plunge

Survivor Story  100 Metres Plunge

Would you be prepared to make the same decision if you were alone? The impact of group dynamics, including polarisation and ‘risk-shift,’ can lead to life-threatening circumstances in the backcountry. Nick Plimmer examines a real-life situation where a party of four trudges on despite poor conditions, resulting in a 100 vertical metres fall into the plunge pool of a waterfall and an extremely close call.

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