Outdoor Community

Training programs

Clubs have traditionally played a very strong role in providing outdoor training, both on formal courses and informally during club trips. Training does take a bit of effort to run, and its not always easy to get it right. Here’s some ideas for how to set up and run a club or group training program.

Safety management

Safety management

Safety and liability are two buzz words in today’s society. When it comes to outdoor clubs, there is a lot of misconception around what the responsibilities of the club, the leaders and the individuals.

Leader development

Leader development

A common theme in many clubs is that the same group of people seem to be leading all the trips, which is fine, until those people get tired of the responsibility or leave the club.

Take a kid tramping

Take a kid tramping

All communities rely on teaching and mentoring young members for the future success of the community. Tramping clubs and outdoor groups are no different.

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