Guest Author

This author prefers to keep an air of mystery about them.

Te Waipounamu Traverse

Epic  Te Waipounamu Traverse

In the rainy summer of 2016/2017, Allan Brent, Lydia McLean, Alexis Belton and Mark Leslie set out on an epic mission to traverse Te Waipounamu. Here is a taste of their journey, with captions by Alan Brent. The Te Waipounamu traverse was supported by an FMC Expedition Scholarship

Central Southern Alps Traverse

Wow  Central Southern Alps Traverse

"One of the most astounding aspects of the Southern Alps is its wilderness areas. While signs are useful and huts are helpful, there are few locales left on Earth, much less in such pristine environments as the Alps, where no indication of human impact is anywhere to be seen. Wilderness areas defy every inherent aspect of human nature – to find, to organize, and to claim. But within the Southern Alps, there exist pockets where snowy footprints are the most permanent presence any human can hope to have. Aircraft are forbidden to land. No signs. No huts. No nonsense."

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