The Elusive Ivory Lake Hut

Love our Huts Story  The Elusive Ivory Lake Hut

After nearly five years of striving to reach Ivory Lake Hut from multiple directions, she proves elusive for a tramping party of four. During one final push from the north, she grants entry and they experience a hard-won backcountry trip after three failed attempts and never giving up. Failure has its own rewards and for these keen trampers, their arrival is well worth the wait.

Operation Great Barrier

Youth Award Grant  Operation Great Barrier

"Our journey to Great Barrier Island wasn't just about completing a hike and getting through the long days of walking – it was about pushing our limits, working as a team, and making memories that will stay with us forever." For their DOE Gold Qualifying Journey, six students from Orewa College navigate the steep descents of the old Kauri Tramline Track and scale hundreds of stairs to reach the summit of Mount Hobson.

SAR: Is it Free? Should it Be?

Search & Rescue  SAR: Is it Free? Should it Be?

Have you ever wondered how search and rescue works when there is an emergency, as well as who exactly pays for their efforts? LandSAR Dunedin volunteer, Matteo Scoz, breaks down the two coordination authorities for search and rescue, how they are funded and the prevailing philosophy that guides these incredible organisations and their teams.

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