South Island

The Bond of Tramping

Youth Award Grant  The Bond of Tramping

A tight-knit group of seven students and three dedicated teachers began tramping together four years ago. With support from the FMC Youth Award Grant, Briar Higgie and Kaelyn Swanson strengthen bonds with their tramping mates, not allowing sleepless nights from hut snoring or sandflies to dampen their epic tramp along the stunning Heaphy Track.

Backcountry Touring Access Guidelines

Safety  Backcountry Touring Access Guidelines

In an attempt to alleviate friction between members of the backcountry touring community and ski area operators, FMC created a set of backcountry touring access guidelines. With the support of NZAC and after consultation from 23 ski areas in Aotearoa, these collaborative guidelines articulate the following: how to behave when accessing backcountry terrain using ski field infrastructure, an intention to promote understanding of the real hazards present on ski areas and a fostering of courtesy and respect between tourers (including climbers and trampers) and ski area operators.

All Weather Tramp on the Heaphy

Youth Award Grant  All Weather Tramp on the Heaphy

Thunder and lightning, sunshine, rain and even hail accompanies Bella and Egor's Duke of Edinburgh Gold Qualifier, pushing Egor to persevere through his fear of thunderstorms and even declare: "I have loved my Adventurous Journey, as it has opened up many wonderful New Zealand backcountry places that we have explored." As recipients of the FMC Youth Award Grant, Bella Allen and Egor Shefer reflect on their trip of a lifetime along the Heaphy Track.

A Night Out on Mt Arthur

Kahurangi Bivvy  A Night Out on Mt Arthur

Defined by its distinctive karst rock formations and sinkholes that remind trampers to guard each step, Mt Arthur lends itself to a photographer’s paradise. Documenting his trek to the peak with camera in tow, Peter Laurenson captures the maunga in all its glory.

Catastrophe on Cascade Saddle

Winter Tramping  Catastrophe on Cascade Saddle

Completion of the Great Walks may lead less experienced trampers into a false sense of security, resulting in some attempting backcountry tracks beyond their skill sets. After finishing the Tongariro Alpine Crossing and Abel Tasman Coastal Track, a young tourist sets off on the Cascade Saddle in Mt Aspiring National Park. Under snow cover, Cascade Saddle is a serious alpine crossing that requires outdoor competence and proper equipment. Johnny Mulheron discusses the tragic details behind this solo tramper's fatal fall in winter conditions and what lessons we can take away.

Alpine Daisy Hunting With Jane Gosden

Botany Mission  Alpine Daisy Hunting With Jane Gosden

“I grew up in National Parks around New Zealand,” is a statement not many of us can claim. But Jane Gosden can. As a keen ecologist with a special interest in alpine plants and years of working in and above the bush line, she recently published a field guide to alpine daisies in the genus Celmisia. Her curiosity and attraction to Celmisia took her on a nationwide mission, from the mountains to the sea. In her story for Wilderlife, she talks about her life and work in high, wild places and her love for everything that inhabits them – especially plants.

Accessible to All

Youth Tramping  Accessible to All

“For a group of neuro-diverse students, the biggest challenge can be getting the opportunity to take part in outdoor adventures.” After five years in the making, nine neuro-diverse students from Wellington East Girls’ College head off for their biggest adventure yet – a six-day ski and snowshoeing trip to the Cardrona Valley. Unit Leader, Leonie King, shines light on the students’ barriers to entry and the preparation required to complete their Gold DOE's Hillary Award.

Starting From Scratch

Youth Award Grant  Starting From Scratch

No ride, no problem. FMC Youth Award Grant recipient, Tara Isaacs, organises her own DOE Gold Qualifier from the ground up. Starting without a team, a shadower or a ride, she compiles a crew and all the components necessary to cross off one of her 'bucket list tramps' – the Abel Tasman Coastal Walk.

The Kayak Kapers

Youth Award Grant  The Kayak Kapers

For their Duke of Edinburgh Silver Qualifying Journey, Emiliana and her team opt for an alternative mode of backcountry travel – kayaking. Dubbed the Kayak Kapers, this team of twenty-four students (over half of whom had never kayaked) bravely took up their paddles and developed new skills during a multi-day exploration of the Marlborough Sounds.

A Preventable Tragedy in the Young Valley

Fatality  A Preventable Tragedy in the Young Valley

A cascade of poor decisions – lack of experience, a hyperfocus on reaching their destination despite horrendous conditions and the separation of party members – results in the preventable loss of a young woman left behind on the Gillespie Pass. Examining the events leading up to this tragedy, Johnny Mulheron and Erik Bradshaw offer sound advice for trampers heading off the beaten path of the Great Walks.

The Cold Inside

Climbing  The Cold Inside

Accomplished writer, climber and mountaineer Paul Hersey bares his climber's soul in this absorbing and honest book about the crux of climbing life: the contradiction of rich reward versus unimaginable loss.

Paddler of the Year 2022, Whitewater NZ

Shannon Mast  Paddler of the Year 2022, Whitewater NZ

"There is just a whole lotta love in kayaking here in New Zealand, for the rivers and each other." Shannon Mast was unanimously voted as Paddler of the Year 2022, at Whitewater New Zealand’s AGM. In this interview, Justin Venable dives into what makes Shannon passionate about whitewater kayaking and New Zealand rivers.

Joy Amidst Suffering

Mountain Adventure  Joy Amidst Suffering

“Was it fun?” After a six-day non-stop adventure race through the mountains around Mt Aspiring, Alastair McDowell ponders this question and asks himself, "Why do we do this to ourselves?" He shares a thought-provoking exploration into what calls mountaineers into the wild, what the experience is truly like, and how brushes with fatality are an ever present reminder of mortality.

Te Whare Tapa Whā

Youth Award Grant  Te Whare Tapa Whā

Examining their Gold qualifying tramp through the lens of Te Whare Tapa Whā (the four dimensions of wellbeing), Alicia and Sophie reflect on the significant challenges they faced on the Rees-Dart Track and what strategies helped encourage them to continue.

100 Metres Plunge

Survivor Story  100 Metres Plunge

Would you be prepared to make the same decision if you were alone? The impact of group dynamics, including polarisation and ‘risk-shift,’ can lead to life-threatening circumstances in the backcountry. Nick Plimmer examines a real-life situation where a party of four trudges on despite poor conditions, resulting in a 100 vertical metres fall into the plunge pool of a waterfall and an extremely close call.

Revisiting the Past

August 2020  Revisiting the Past

Uncle Jacko takes a deep dive into the past exploring what we learnt from the COVID-19 lockdowns and raising the question, "What do tourists really appreciate about New Zealand?" And as many trampers are well aware, the question of how much to pack is the perpetual challenge. Uncle Jacko tests out the idea of ‘going lightweight’ and discovers firsthand when lightweight crosses over into just not enough.

A Disastrous Descent

Homer Saddle  A Disastrous Descent

One of New Zealand's finest mountaineers of the modern age passes away in a fall during a descent towards Homer Saddle. In an examination into these tragic events, Johnny Mulheron and Nick Plimmer examine the safety measures taken and the coroner's recommendations, including a rare quote that he includes in his final report.

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