
Darkness and Light in the Olivines

What I Did Find  Darkness and Light in the Olivines

After receiving the tragic news that her partner Lochie is missing, Tara pauses their plans to traverse along the Southern Alps from Cape Farewell to Fiordland to help with his search. When the search is called off, she makes the heavy-hearted decision to continue with the trip. Tara recounts the final leg of her journey as a Simon Bell Memorial Scholarship recipient – a solo trek across the Olivine Ice Plateau towards Red Mountain and down to the ocean at Big Bay.

Stewart Island

Youth Award Grant  Stewart Island

Well known for being one of the muddiest tramps, Brianna Loan learns firsthand the frustration (and fun) of being stuck in the mud with mates. As a recipient of the FMC Youth Award Grant, she and her team share laughs, forge friendships, and together face a crucial safety decision when the weather turns.

Kaweka Forest Park

Youth Award Grant  Kaweka Forest Park

What do you do when a fellow tramper gets an injury? FMC Youth Award Grant recipient, Dylan Barker, heads into Kaweka Forest Park with mates and learns firsthand how to face backcountry challenges, as well as how a good crew can make for a great trip.

Tarawera Falls

Youth Award Grant  Tarawera Falls

With the threat of being cancelled just hours before departure, a trip to Tarawera Falls started out rocky for these FMC Youth Award Grant recipients. But after three days in the backcountry, they learned that “a trip is worth a little bit of chaos.”

Matemateonga Wahine

Youth Award Grant  Matemateonga Wahine

‘Five tough wahine’ from Northland come full circle. No longer 'wee little Bronzies,' they complete their Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award with a journey that incorporates the area they visited when they first began their DOE Adventurous Journey.

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