real friends

The Bond of Tramping

Youth Award Grant  The Bond of Tramping

A tight-knit group of seven students and three dedicated teachers began tramping together four years ago. With support from the FMC Youth Award Grant, Briar Higgie and Kaelyn Swanson strengthen bonds with their tramping mates, not allowing sleepless nights from hut snoring or sandflies to dampen their epic tramp along the stunning Heaphy Track.

Wild Women on the Tops

Traversing the Tararuas  Wild Women on the Tops

FMC Expedition Scholarship winners, Isla and Louise, traverse the Tararuas in a celebration of women in the backcountry. Through both film and print, they explore the limiting perceptions of wāhine outdoors, the gender disparity in gear construction and the realities of backcountry menstruation, all whilst embracing the joys of being female and their inner playfulness as wild women on the tops.

All Weather Tramp on the Heaphy

Youth Award Grant  All Weather Tramp on the Heaphy

Thunder and lightning, sunshine, rain and even hail accompanies Bella and Egor's Duke of Edinburgh Gold Qualifier, pushing Egor to persevere through his fear of thunderstorms and even declare: "I have loved my Adventurous Journey, as it has opened up many wonderful New Zealand backcountry places that we have explored." As recipients of the FMC Youth Award Grant, Bella Allen and Egor Shefer reflect on their trip of a lifetime along the Heaphy Track.

Accessible to All

Youth Tramping  Accessible to All

“For a group of neuro-diverse students, the biggest challenge can be getting the opportunity to take part in outdoor adventures.” After five years in the making, nine neuro-diverse students from Wellington East Girls’ College head off for their biggest adventure yet – a six-day ski and snowshoeing trip to the Cardrona Valley. Unit Leader, Leonie King, shines light on the students’ barriers to entry and the preparation required to complete their Gold DOE's Hillary Award.

Te Whare Tapa Whā

Youth Award Grant  Te Whare Tapa Whā

Examining their Gold qualifying tramp through the lens of Te Whare Tapa Whā (the four dimensions of wellbeing), Alicia and Sophie reflect on the significant challenges they faced on the Rees-Dart Track and what strategies helped encourage them to continue.

Second Chance Success

Youth Award Grant  Second Chance Success

A second attempt and an alternative route pays off for these four Duke of Edinburgh qualifiers. After a flooded track and health problems forces the group to turn back on their first try, they persevere and successfully complete their next tramp with lots of fun and skill building along the way.

A Multi-Sport Mashup

Youth Award Grant  A Multi-Sport Mashup

Despite high river levels cancelling their canoeing trip, this adventurous group of DOE Gold qualifiers bring a whole new meaning to 'carpe diem.' With their extra time, they tackle whitewater rafting, rock climbing and canyoning, even climbing Mount Ruapehu with ice axes.

Turret Peak

Rolleston Range  Turret Peak

A fun, sociable weekend as Nina Dickerhof, Rob Munro, James Thornton, and Simon Bell visit the Rolleston Range at the head of Lake Coleridge and climb Turret Peak. This is Simon’s account of the trip, which was previously published in NZAC’s 'Vertigo.'

Stewart Island

Youth Award Grant  Stewart Island

Well known for being one of the muddiest tramps, Brianna Loan learns firsthand the frustration (and fun) of being stuck in the mud with mates. As a recipient of the FMC Youth Award Grant, she and her team share laughs, forge friendships, and together face a crucial safety decision when the weather turns.

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