March 2017

In New Zealand geological terms, the Ruahine Ranges form the highest portion of the range. They run north-east to south-west for 100 kilometres down the North Island to the Manawatu Gorge, at which point the Tararua Ranges begin.

As a Wellingtonian, I’ve been many times into the nearby Tararua Ranges, but the Ruahines to the north are much less familiar to me. My main experience in the Ruahines had been during a solo winter climb a couple of years ago to Mangaweka, the highest point of the range. On that trip, I encountered much more gentle terrain than what I was used to further south in the Tararuas.

For a route map and more images


Peter Laurenson is a member of the Wellington section of the New Zealand Alpine Club.

His website offers resources for outdoor photographers, as well as route maps and more photos.