
Tackling the Tongariro

Youth Award Grant  Tackling the Tongariro

Over the April school holidays, six students set off to complete their Silver Duke of Edinburgh Qualifying Adventurous Journey in Tongariro National Park. Demonstrating excellent planning for their tramp, the group successfully navigates all the challenges thrown their way and completes a trip of a lifetime.

A Preventable Tragedy in the Young Valley

Fatality  A Preventable Tragedy in the Young Valley

A cascade of poor decisions – lack of experience, a hyperfocus on reaching their destination despite horrendous conditions and the separation of party members – results in the preventable loss of a young woman left behind on the Gillespie Pass. Examining the events leading up to this tragedy, Johnny Mulheron and Erik Bradshaw offer sound advice for trampers heading off the beaten path of the Great Walks.

Te Whare Tapa Whā

Youth Award Grant  Te Whare Tapa Whā

Examining their Gold qualifying tramp through the lens of Te Whare Tapa Whā (the four dimensions of wellbeing), Alicia and Sophie reflect on the significant challenges they faced on the Rees-Dart Track and what strategies helped encourage them to continue.

100 Metres Plunge

Survivor Story  100 Metres Plunge

Would you be prepared to make the same decision if you were alone? The impact of group dynamics, including polarisation and ‘risk-shift,’ can lead to life-threatening circumstances in the backcountry. Nick Plimmer examines a real-life situation where a party of four trudges on despite poor conditions, resulting in a 100 vertical metres fall into the plunge pool of a waterfall and an extremely close call.

Dunning-Kruger Effect

June 2021  Dunning-Kruger Effect

How does the Dunning-Kruger effect impact the way we estimate our competency in the outdoors? Uncle Jacko delves into how this effect has both a negative and positive influence on our backcountry experience. He also discusses navigation and communication in the backcountry – S122, ham radio gear and SOTA, for those amateur radio operators who love the outdoors.

Moa Hunting Checklist

Essentials  Moa Hunting Checklist

Whether you're 'tramping,' 'hiking,' or 'rambling,' safety and preparation is key to preventing a backcountry trip from turning into a disaster. The Moa Hunters share a simple list of essential, must-have items to bring on all your backcountry trips.

Revisiting the Past

August 2020  Revisiting the Past

Uncle Jacko takes a deep dive into the past exploring what we learnt from the COVID-19 lockdowns and raising the question, "What do tourists really appreciate about New Zealand?" And as many trampers are well aware, the question of how much to pack is the perpetual challenge. Uncle Jacko tests out the idea of ‘going lightweight’ and discovers firsthand when lightweight crosses over into just not enough.

Second Chance Success

Youth Award Grant  Second Chance Success

A second attempt and an alternative route pays off for these four Duke of Edinburgh qualifiers. After a flooded track and health problems forces the group to turn back on their first try, they persevere and successfully complete their next tramp with lots of fun and skill building along the way.

The Craigieburn Round

Mountain Adventure  The Craigieburn Round

Inspired by the ‘Rounds’ in the UK, British native and New Zealand ultra-runner Martin Lukes designs the first ever New Zealand ‘Round’ – a classic long-distance mountain challenge taking in all of the summits of a local area in an aesthetic loop. After spending a summer bagging peaks in the Southern Lakes, Alastair McDowell tackles Canterbury’s answer to the famous mountain challenges of Britain: the Craigieburn Round.

An Insider’s Perspective

GODZONE  An Insider’s Perspective

While competing in her first ever GODZONE race, Crystal Brindle asks herself, “How much is too much?” Pushing further past her comfort zone than ever before, she reflects on the different ways we experience connection in the natural world during adventure racing and what makes these endeavors not only possible, but worthwhile.

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