We had been promised eternal fog and wind, but were pleasantly surprised by some lovely, crisp winter weather and a sunset that just kept giving.
The trip was a lovely social occasion, and an opportunity for the new Exec and staff to get to know each other. For most of the South Islanders, it was also their first ever foray into the Tararuas!

On Fields Track. From left to right are Daniel Clearwater, Norman Judd, Crystal Brindle (front) and Owen Cox (back), Jan Finlayson, Tony and Sarah Tiong. Photo D Hegg

Development officer Dan Clearwater and FMC Exec member Sarah Tiong on Fields Track. Photo D Hegg

Development officer Dan Clearwater, Exec member Crystal Brindle and FMC vice-president Jan Finlayson on Table Hill. Photo J Finlayson

Taking in the sunset on Dennan. Photo C Brindle.

Crystal Brindle at sunset on Dennan. Photo C Brindle.

Sarah Tiong, Jan Finlayson and Dan Clearwater on the track to Kime Hut. Photo C Brindle.

Moonrise on Hut Mound. Photo D Clearwater

Kime Hut. Photo D Hegg

Approaching the summit of Field Peak. Photo D Clearwater

On Fields Peak. From left to right are Owen Cox, Crystal Brindle, Daniel Clearwater, Jan Finlayson, Danilo Hegg, Sarah Tiong. Photo D Hegg

Male Wellington tree wētā (Hemideina crassidens) on Matiu / Somes Island. Photo D Hegg