By Sue Weller (May 15, 2021)
On Saturday 15th May, twenty members of the Christchurch Over Forties Tramping Club (OFTC) attended an Outdoor First Aid Course tailored to our needs, run by Peak Safety and Emergency Management. Our instructor for the day was Nico Fournier. Nico, in his professional capacity, is a vulcanologist with GNS Science based in Taupo. He is also a member of the Ruapehu Mountain Rescue team, and a volunteer with St John Ambulance.

OFTC Outdoor First Aid course participants
The course was practical, informative and stimulating from start to finish – thanks to Nico’s enthusiasm, engaging personality and professionalism.

Nico Fournier of Peak Safety
With the inclusion of scenario videos to set the scene, thought and discussion was stimulated on how to manage different situations. The importance of site safety was stressed, as well as leadership in managing the whole group as well as the patient.
The delivery of the subject matter was expertly done and included demonstrations and instruction by Nico and practice by participants in improvised scenarios. Information was further re-enforced by discussion, questions and answers.

Nico Fournier and Wendy Cain – lower arm immobilisation
As well as the management of critical injuries or events involving assessment and treatment of an unconscious patient, severe bleeding, heart attack, stroke, allergic reactions and choking, the course also covered the more common injuries that a group such as ours might encounter – sprains, fractures, burns, hypothermia and dehydration.

Neville Palmer and Mike Currie – ankle immobilisation
We were given some useful tips on first aid equipment, including a malleable splint which was light weight, strong and easy to carry.

Sue Weller – ankle immobilisation using mouldable SAM splint
The Peak First Aid Guide, an excellent credit size fold out prompt pamphlet, was given to all participants.
We all learned so much during the day, and came away with increased confidence on how to deal with events in the field.Thank you to Peak Safety and Nico Fournier for delivery of the course, and to Federated Mountain Clubs for their generous grant towards the cost of this course.

Denise Cumberpatch, Gloria Lee, Sue Weller and Neville Palmer
The Christchurch Over Forties Tramping Club (OFTC) were awarded a FMC Training Grant: a cash grant to support the club to access this professional training. To learn more about the Training Grant, or to apply, please visit the FMC website.