Travelling on a Whim

November 2018  Travelling on a Whim

'It’s always satisfying to make important decisions on a whim, because there can be no accounting for taste, no reason to justify and no explanation to satisfy.' Uncle Jacko reveals which of his trips were decided merely on a whim, as well as how he was talked out of travelling by donkey during his tramping adventures in France.

Sustainability and Outdoor Gear & Clothing

NZOIA Quarterly Issue 85  Sustainability and Outdoor Gear & Clothing

What is your outdoor gear really made of and what toll is it taking on the environment? Sash Nukada, Programme Leader of Sustainability and Outdoor Education, decides to stop pointing the finger elsewhere and examine the potential negative impact of his outdoor gear. In an honest and thorough look at materials, brands, and new versus used gear, he offers a guide on how best to minimise your footprint and protect the outdoors we love so much.

The Gardens of Eden and Allah

Paradise Found  The Gardens of Eden and Allah

Nine days in the wilderness. Sylvie Admore, Helen Liley, Sam Richardson, Björn Striebing and Stephen Waite (Auckland University Tramping Club) meet Simon and invite him along on their trip to the Adams Wilderness Area not long after being introduced. Helen and Sylvie recall their memories of Simon on a trip that he described as 'spontaneous and excellent'.

Kaweka Forest Park

Youth Award Grant  Kaweka Forest Park

What do you do when a fellow tramper gets an injury? FMC Youth Award Grant recipient, Dylan Barker, heads into Kaweka Forest Park with mates and learns firsthand how to face backcountry challenges, as well as how a good crew can make for a great trip.

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