
SAR: Is it Free? Should it Be?

Search & Rescue  SAR: Is it Free? Should it Be?

Have you ever wondered how search and rescue works when there is an emergency, as well as who exactly pays for their efforts? LandSAR Dunedin volunteer, Matteo Scoz, breaks down the two coordination authorities for search and rescue, how they are funded and the prevailing philosophy that guides these incredible organisations and their teams.

Matterhorn of the South

Mt Aspiring Tititea  Matterhorn of the South

With recommendations from Alastair McDowell after his record-breaking climb of Mt Aspiring Tititea, Andy Carruthers and crew plan their own summit of this incredible maunga. Four days in Mt Aspiring National Park not only offer the team breathtaking views and a birthday bubbles celebration at the summit, but also key takeaways into how they could minimise 'the scary moments' and maximise safety and comfort the next time around.

Navigation and River Crossing

Training Grant  Navigation and River Crossing

Do you feel confident with crossing a river? With New Zealand's abundance of rivers, every backcountry tramper must know how to safely cross a waterway if the situation requires. With expert teaching from Outdoor Training NZ (OTNZ), the Rotorua Tramping Club fine-tunes their navigational skills and goes deep into hands-on learning with group and solo pack-floating, entrapment and how to escape from a strainer.

Backcountry Touring Access Guidelines

Safety  Backcountry Touring Access Guidelines

In an attempt to alleviate friction between members of the backcountry touring community and ski area operators, FMC created a set of backcountry touring access guidelines. With the support of NZAC and after consultation from 23 ski areas in Aotearoa, these collaborative guidelines articulate the following: how to behave when accessing backcountry terrain using ski field infrastructure, an intention to promote understanding of the real hazards present on ski areas and a fostering of courtesy and respect between tourers (including climbers and trampers) and ski area operators.

The Indestructible Loopies

November 2023  The Indestructible Loopies

Are loopies, by definition, indestructible and how do we create a model to better understand risk in the outdoors? Uncle Jacko poses the argument that while there are exceptions to the rule, ill-equipped trampers often seem to survive and explains the idea behind the Heine–McFarlane–McNeill risksetting model that he helped to design.

What’s in a Word? Exploring Untracked Leatherwood in the Tararua Forest Park

Fact or Fable  What’s in a Word? Exploring Untracked Leatherwood in the Tararua Forest Park

Four hours to cover one kilometre . . . ? For Megan and a hardy group from the Wellington Tramping and Mountaineering Club (WTMC), an escape route provided by the '1996 Tararua Footprints Guide' offered refuge away from strong winds. However, an equally challenging battle ensued between tramper, scrub and river as the group navigated untracked leatherwood in the Tararua Forest Park.

Catastrophe on Cascade Saddle

Winter Tramping  Catastrophe on Cascade Saddle

Completion of the Great Walks may lead less experienced trampers into a false sense of security, resulting in some attempting backcountry tracks beyond their skill sets. After finishing the Tongariro Alpine Crossing and Abel Tasman Coastal Track, a young tourist sets off on the Cascade Saddle in Mt Aspiring National Park. Under snow cover, Cascade Saddle is a serious alpine crossing that requires outdoor competence and proper equipment. Johnny Mulheron discusses the tragic details behind this solo tramper's fatal fall in winter conditions and what lessons we can take away.

The Busy Lizard

Mt Taranaki  The Busy Lizard

'Though plenty of inexperienced day walkers happily climb Taranaki, the mountain is still one of the most deadly in New Zealand. For many, the northern summer route is their surest way to safely experience climbing Taranaki.' Seasoned mountaineer, Peter Laurenson, provides foundational advice for minimising trouble and maximising fun on Mt Taranaki this summer.

Leading Alpine Trips

Winter Tips  Leading Alpine Trips

What makes a suitable alpine leader and how do you identify these people in your club? New Zealand clubs have a proud tradition of passing on knowledge to newer members who later themselves become leaders. FMC provides a guide to identifying and supporting not only current alpine leaders, but a framework to raise up the next generation.

A Preventable Tragedy in the Young Valley

Fatality  A Preventable Tragedy in the Young Valley

A cascade of poor decisions – lack of experience, a hyperfocus on reaching their destination despite horrendous conditions and the separation of party members – results in the preventable loss of a young woman left behind on the Gillespie Pass. Examining the events leading up to this tragedy, Johnny Mulheron and Erik Bradshaw offer sound advice for trampers heading off the beaten path of the Great Walks.

The Jagged-Upham Couloir Attempt

Close Call  The Jagged-Upham Couloir Attempt

A close call occurs on Jagged Peak with one climber undergoing a serious accident, successful helicopter rescue and lengthy recovery. Heather Rhodes joins Vaughan Snowdon and Simon Bell to attempt Jagged Peak in the Arrowsmith Range of South Canterbury, resulting in a 300m fall.

Scree Slope Crossing

Survivor Story  Scree Slope Crossing

Halfway through their Lewis Pass to Nelson Lakes tramp, an experienced tramper tumbles 25 metres down a scree slope on Thompson Pass. Due to the skilled response by his party and the helicopter rescue team, the tramper is successfully evacuated. The team reflects on lessons from their ordeal and Johnny Mulheron shares essential, lifesaving tips for outdoor enthusiasts.

Mountain Safety

Scenarios  Mountain Safety

Safety in the mountains is a serious topic and one that requires good judgment and experience. During an interactive presentation about his Aoraki/Mt Cook climb in 2011, Simon Bell shares photos and key points for climbers to consider in various scenarios.

Sustainable in Print?

Backcountry Magazine  Sustainable in Print?

In light of climate change, have you ever wondered why FMC continues to print its Backcountry magazine? Backcountry editor, Peter Laurenson, shares FMC's reasons behind the printed version, the steps taken to align with its values of stewardship and environmental protection, and the future of this classic publication.

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